1860 henry rifle replica. With its reliable . 44 caliber rimfire metallic cartridge, the Henry produced a rapid and highly accurate fire. Reports of the successful use of Henry rifles in the Civil War were numerous. The incredible firepower unleashed by the Henry is evident in Major William Ludlow’s account of the Battle of Allatoona Pass.
What is the rarest Henry rifle?
With only 13,000 total Henry rifles in brass and iron produced from 1860-1866, the Iron Frames are the rarest of the rare. Approximately 200 iron-framed Henry rifles were produced in the original plant under the supervision of its inventor Benjamin Tyler Henry.
1860 henry rifle replica for sale
Despite a design going back more than 150 years, the accuracy of today’s New Original Henry is as good as, and sometimes better than, some more-modern lever-action rifles. It may also be the most fun to shoot. Returning to the beginning of today’s Henry Repeating Arms, the .
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